How Successful Retirees Invest in the Stock Market: 3 Easy Steps To Achieve an optimial Retirement Investment Strategy
Investing in the stock market is an important part of any long-term retirement investment strategy, but during retirement, the roller coaster ride that is today’s market can be a little difficult to stomach. While risk tolerance is a personal thing, everyone needs to recognize the two important changes during retirement that affect your ability to earn returns.
One: You stop adding money to your retirement accounts.
Two: You begin taking money out of your retirement accounts.
These two things matter regardless of your risk appetite because they are connected to the one thing every investor must have to invest successfully in the stock market: TIME.
The average retiree has less time than the average investor who is in their 30s or 40s. Having less time means you can’t capitalize on the best that the market has to offer, such as ” long-term strategies like dollar cost averaging – without making a few adjustments first.
But that does not mean you do not have any time. Today, retirees are living longer than any generation before them, which means having a long-term retirement investment strategy is a necessary part of any retirement plan. Here are three steps you can take today to ensure your market investments do not send you screaming to the poor house.
Dollar-cost averaging is an effective retirement investment strategy whereby you invest the same number of dollars regardless of whether the market is high or low. If you buy when stock prices are low, you continue to invest so that when stock prices go high, you effectively make a profit.
When the market falls during retirement, however, you are no longer buying those stocks when they are cheap because you are no longer adding money to your portfolio. Furthermore, you’re also taking money out of your investments. This means when the market takes a loss, you also take a loss twice.
One way to avoid taking this double hit is to change your retirement investment strategy from one of accumulation to preservation. Instead of keeping all your money in the market in growth mode, move a portion of your funds to a safer place where the principal is protected.
You can work with a financial professional to devise an income plan if you are unsure about how much money you need to maintain your lifestyle during retirement. Generally speaking, most retirees find they require 70 to 80 percent of their current income in order to maintain their lifestyle during retirement.
Many investors rely on annuities to structure their retirement income because they offer the kind of principal guarantees that market investments do not. For example, during the market downturn of 2008, many retirees lost as much as 40 percent of their portfolios, and that affected how they spent their money. Investors who had the money they needed for income secured inside an annuity, however, still received their income and were able to maintain their lifestyle.
Everyone needs to have some sort of emergency savings fund, but retirees especially need to have access to cash. Your reasons for needing the cash could be happy or sad, but regardless of why, you don’t want to have bad timing.
If all your money is sitting in market investments and your daughter is getting married, imagine what would happen if the market took a hit and you had to sell at a loss just to take out your money.
Our stock markets are currently in a global economy where news from overseas can send the market plunging in a single day. You don’t have to leave yourself vulnerable during retirement. Take these three steps to ensure your on the best path with your retirement investment strategy .
Have questions about the allocation of your retirement portfolio? We’re here to help.
Saleem Gauhar says
I am 78 and wife (Rose) is 80. Our annual income (not counting distributions) exceeds our annual budget by about 8000.
We have about 400,000 in savings. Rose’s IRA about 160,000 mostly in bonds via VALIC. My self direcdted IRA about 100,000 in agressive stock. About 125,000 in cash.
Rose’s IRA is doing nothing and mine is perhaps not safe enogh.
We have no retirement plan.